March is National Reading Month, and according to the latest report from the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP), American public schools have some homework to do when it comes to reading instruction. Also known as The Nation’s Report Card, NAEP is the largest nationally representative test of student learning. The test, designed to provide […]
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Imagine trying to learn to read when every word blurs together. Watching TV feels like looking through a fogged-up window. Even everyday tasks — distinguishing food on a plate, finding a dropped object, or moving through a familiar space — come with extra challenges. This is life for more than 50 million Americans with low […]
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It’s almost International Literacy Day! No one understands how critical literacy is to academic success more than teachers do. That’s why we’re sharing nine effective literacy center ideas targeting everything from oral language, letter shapes and sounds, and word building, to sentence and paragraph construction! Plus, all these center ideas incorporate learning magnets, making […]
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