Santa Claus is a busy man, and we’re guessing he uses every tip, trick, and tool in the book to help him get his job done.
Check out five fun ways we think Santa might use our favorite tool—the magnet!
Then, let us know how YOU think Santa might use magnets during the holidays.
Post a hand-drawn picture of your best idea to our Facebook page.
Oh how we’d love to see it!
We think Santa uses magnets to:
• Keep the Elves in Line
Those jingly bells on the Elves’ hats aren’t just for show! While MOST of Santa’s Elves work tirelessly to build the toys and games you get as gifts on Christmas, there are always a few slackers on the line.
Thank goodness the Lead Elves have Magnet Wands to keep the naughtier Elves from leaving their posts. When they catch an Elf sneaking away from the line, the Leads simply wave their wands over the sneaker’s jingle bell hat to keep him in place.
When Christmas is over, all the Elves can take off their hats and enjoy a well-deserved, bare-headed break!
• Hang on to His List
Santa’s got to be hands free when he drives his sleigh, but he also has to keep his list close at hand. It can get pretty windy up there in the sky, so what do you think he uses to attach his list to his super-powered sleigh console? Yup, we think it’s a magnet, probably a sturdy, high-quality one like one of our Big Block Magnets!
• Keep His Sleigh Earthbound
There’s another reason we use metal nails to keep the roofing on our homes in place! Santa’s reindeer get pretty amped up during their flight around the world.
To keep them from taking off while Santa’s sliding down your chimney, Santa makes their horse—er reindeer shoes—out of Giant Horseshoe Magnets! Their reindeer shoes are attracted to the nails in your roof and keep the reindeer in place (and from slipping and sliding in the snow and sleet)!
• Find His Way Home
Once he’s made all of his deliveries all around the world, Santa’s probably too pooped to navigate his sleigh on his own. Enter the magnet-powered compass from our Super Science Magnet Kit, which always points north, and helps guide Santa back home to the North Pole.
• Solve Emergency Situations
Here’s another secret–shhhhh! Did you know that Santa always carries a Very First Magnet Kit on his sleigh? Since it includes spare Giant Horseshoe Magnets, Magnet Wands, and Big Block Magnets, it’s the perfect emergency tool kit for Ole Saint Nick.
If he finds himself in a sticky situation, he simply pulls out his Very First Magnet Kit and uses its components to get his elves, reindeer, and sleigh in gear…sometimes literally!
Tags: contest , Dowling Magnets , drawing contest , giveaway , holiday fun , Holidays , magnets , north pole , Santa
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